Go Global: Germany Trade Mission
Looking to get into the European market? Germany is your gateway! Join us on a trade mission this spring.
September 25-30, 2016
Munich and Stuttgart
Trade missions provide an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with distributors and potential customers – all with the assistance of seasoned global trade experts.
By participating in the mission, you will get to meet with representatives from German companies and government officials to explore expansion opportunities.
Now is the time to break into the German marketplace:
- The nation has by far the biggest purchasing power in Europe and the market is competitive.
- With a population of 81.1 million, Germany’s consumer market is the largest in the European Union.
- With $50 billion exported to Germany in 2014, the nation is the United States’ largest trading partner in Europe and the sixth-largest export market for the U.S.
- Germany’s Information and Computer Technology (ICT) market is the largest in Europe, where 75 percent of the software products purchased are sold by U.S. companies.
- “Green IT” is driving demand for systems planning and design solutions, and the government is has announced plans to implement digital solutions for e-government and e-health systems.
- The medical device market in Germany is the third-largest in the world, and 70 percent of those devices are imported.
- There is increasing demand for preventative medicine solutions, outpatient treatment and home care, due in part to heavy investment by the German government. The best prospects of this market include many devices manufactured in Delaware, such as diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, miniaturized electro-medical equipment, and cardiovascular and endoscopy products.
Mission costs and financial assistance
The services provided by the State of Delaware on the Germany mission are valued at $6,500 per company, but your cost will only be $500, plus travel expenses. AND a portion of your travel expenses may be eligible for a grant, thanks to the SBA award Delaware received! It’s called the STEP Grant, find more info.
Go ahead and review the trade mission flyer; then fill out the application for the mission.
Contact our export advisors for more information: Beth Pomper and David Mathe at global@delaware.gov.
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Categories: Expand
Related Topics: ExpandDE, export to Germany, German trade representative, Germany Trade Mission, Go global, trade mission, tradeDE