Go Global: Mexico Trade Mission opportunity this December
Since the launch of Governor Markell’s new export initiative in March 2015, nine Delaware businesses have participated in two trade missions to Mexico. As a result, over $10 million in new export sales is projected!
Join us on the next mission to Mexico:
December 5 – 9, 2016
Monterrey and Mexico City
Trade missions are an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with distributors and potential customers – all with the assistance of seasoned global trade experts. You’ll meet with representatives from Mexican companies and government officials to explore expansion opportunities.
Delaware’s in-country trade representative, Miguel de Regil, will arrange business meetings with distributors, agents and customers tailored to your business needs. He will also prep you on the companies, and share best practices when it comes to doing business in Mexico.
Plus, your transportation will be taken care of and interpreters will be provided!
Still not sure? Consider these facts about Mexico…
- Mexico is the second-largest export market for the U.S.
- Mexico purchased over $60 billion in U.S. products last year in Delaware’s top industries.
- Since the implementation of NAFTA in 1993, U.S. trade with Mexico has grown dramatically. Recent government spending and strong private consumption in Mexico is driving unprecedented opportunities for Delaware businesses, especially in the Bioscience, Chemical, Agriculture and Information/Communication Technology (ICT) industries.
- Mexico’s IT market is expected to grow to $393 billion in 2018 as a result of the government’s investment in IT solutions to improve tax collection, health services, trade and security.
- The Mexican Government will be increasing broadband to improve internet connectivity for small and medium companies in rural areas. This will boost ICT demand significantly.
- Mexico is the top medical device importer for Latin America; last year, the country purchased $3.5 billion in medical equipment from U.S. manufacturers.
- In the coming years, the country’s 4,700 hospitals will make significant investment in medical equipment.
Mission costs and financial assistance
Global Delaware is committed to planning a successful trade mission for your business. In fact, the services provided by the State are valued at $6,500 per company.
However, your cost is only $500 (per person), plus travel expenses.
Your travel expenses may even be covered by the STEP Grant, a program by the SBA that will reimburse up to 50 percent of all pre-approved, eligible, export marketing expenses (up to a maximum of $5,000).
Your next steps
Contact Beth Pomper and David Mathe at global@delaware.gov, to learn more about the trip. Don’t forget to ask about the STEP Grant!
Review this flyer then fill out the application for the mission.
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Categories: Expand
Related Topics: ExpandDE, ExportDE, Mexico City, Mexico Trade Mission, Mexico trade representative, Monterrey, trade expert, trade mission