Go Global: Get export ready
9/15/2015You’ve heard about the new STEP funding ($276,000 in total!) Delaware received to help local companies increase exports. Now let’s get to work!
Join us for an exporting workshop to learn how you can get a slice of the grant and expand your business internationally.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
8:30am – 12:30pm
New Castle County Chamber of Commerce
12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE 19720
You’ll have a chance to talk to all your Delaware export partners, including the SBA, US Commercial Service, Ex-Im Bank, USDA and the Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership!
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about:
- How to apply for the STEP grant and which trade activities are eligible for funding
- The State of Delaware’s upcoming trade mission calendar for the next 12 months
- How to connect with the State’s foreign trade reps around the world
- Other agencies and how they can help expand your business!
Categories: Expand
Related Topics: apply for financial assistance for business, apply for STEP funding, Delaware Business, Delaware business exports, delaware export assistance, delaware export partners, Delaware exporters, export partners, export ready, get export ready, Go global, prepare for exporting, start exporting, STEP funding, upcoming trade missions