Ken Yang: Delaware’s Trade Representative In South Korea
Delaware’s Trade Representative in South Korea is Ken Yang, the President of KBSI. As a market and business development service firm based in Seoul, South Korea, KBSI, assists overseas and domestic clients, both public and private, in promoting their products and services to Korea and abroad by providing trade and economic development, market research, financial […]
The Mexico trade mission is a terrific opportunity for Delaware companies to explore export options
Delaware businesses will meet with representatives from Mexican companies and government officials to explore expansion opportunities and engage in exclusive business-to-business meetings in Mexico City, Mexico, September 29 – October 3. Why Mexico? Mexico is a top export market for Delaware products and services. Mexico purchased over $60 billion in U.S. products last […]
Mexico offers Tremendous Opportunities for Delaware Businesses
Did you know that Mexico is the second-largest export market for the U.S.? Since the implementation of NAFTA in 1993, U.S. trade with Mexico has grown dramatically. This relationship has contributed to important economic growth in Mexico, which is currently the second-largest market in Latin America after Brazil. Recent government spending and strong private […]
Foreign Trade Reps: New overseas partners for Delaware businesses
As part of the Department of State’s Strategic Export Plan unveiled by Governor Markell earlier this year, global Delaware has engaged foreign trade representatives to help Delaware businesses find partners overseas. The reps were selected by the global Delaware export team after an exhaustive international search. Reps will work to help Delaware companies find opportunities […]
Cocktails with Ulrich: Getting to know the German Marketplace
Thursday, June 11 Talk begins at 5:00 pm, limited space available Global Delaware and Belfint, Lyons & Shuman welcome Ulrich Britting to Delaware! Ulrich is the managing director of a top German accounting firm and will share with us how to do business in Germany. Join us at this free networking event, cocktails […]