New Site Makes Formation Easier for Small Businesses
Delaware entrepreneurs and small business owners join Governor Jack Markell as he launched a new web portal to deliver online business formation and related services for in-state businesses.
The Division of Corporations, the Division of Libraries, and public libraries across the state have teamed up with two Delaware-licensed registered agents, CT Corporation and IncNow, to make business registration available directly from the State for the first time.
Until now, Delawareans looking to form an entity directly with the state had to file through the mail or in-person at the Division of Corporations offices in Wilmington or Dover. With this new service, residents can complete the task online or at a Delaware public library with help from a librarian. This new option is quick, safe and cost-effective.
“We’re trying to make it easier and easier for Delaware entrepreneurs who want to get started to actually start. We asked ourselves, what is it that we can do better to help make the lives of our entrepreneurs just a little bit easier? So instead of having to spend a lot of time waiting in line and filling out forms, they can do what they ought to be doing, which is figuring out how to grow their business,” said Governor Markell.
“More than 1.2 million legal entities are incorporated in Delaware from around the world. I’m pleased that CT Corporation and IncNow took up the challenge of creating a product specifically targeted to the needs of small Delaware-based businesses,” explained Rick Geisenberger, director of the Division of Corporations. “By partnering with trusted agents and public libraries, we can further ensure that local entrepreneurs have convenient access to services they need when it comes time to start a business.”
“This partnership with Global Delaware is a great opportunity for us to add expert tools that support microbusinesses here in the State,” said State Librarian Dr. Annie Norman. “Delaware Libraries serve as a hub for connecting Delawareans with the information and resources they need to help them move forward with their plans to launch a new business.”
Librarians across the state received training on the new business registration platform in order to assist Delawareans who want to use the service. In addition, the new online service includes dedicated helplines staffed by professionals from IncNow and CT Corporation who will help walk users through the process and answer questions.
“State agencies continue to work together to help Delaware businesses become more informed, supported and competitive,” said Andrea Tinianow, director of Global Delaware. “We hope the local business community will take full advantage of this newest resource, and to let us know how else we can help.”
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