Two Delaware companies honored by U.S. Secretary of Commerce for export achievements
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker recently presented local companies DIMO Corp. and Delaware Diamond Knives with E Awards for their export success. The award, given to the companies during the 2016 President’s E Awards ceremony on May 16, is the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.
DIMO Corp. is an aircraft parts supplier serving primarily the military sector at home and abroad. The company works with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to fulfill client requests to maintain their aviation fleets.
“These companies demonstrate the opportunity inherent in selling Made-in-America products to the broad customer base that exists outside our borders,” said Secretary Pritzker of the more than 100 E Award recipients. “Their success contributes to growth, job creation, competitiveness, and the success of the American economy.”
Delaware Diamond Knives is an industrial diamond manufacturer that makes and services diamond parts for research and industrial use. The company specializes in small-batch, customized products for customers in the U.S and overseas.
Delaware Diamond Knives has a strong export record in Western Europe, and is now working to grow business in Asia and India. Some 30 percent of the company’s revenues are generated abroad. Delaware Diamond Knives leverages face-to-face opportunities, trade shows and user meetings to grow the business overseas, explains Vic Tabeling, Delaware Diamond Knives’ sales and marketing manager. The company is currently working to establish relationships in Japan and Korea in order to break into the semi-conductor research market.
For its part, DIMO Corp. generates more than 50 percent of its revenues from exports to clients overseas. The aircraft parts company is very active in the Middle East as well as in Taiwan and Turkey. “We were excited to win our first E-Award, and we’re hoping it will encourage other Delaware companies in our industry to begin exploring the global market,” says Nasim Sadr-Fala, DIMO’s director of sales. “We could all benefit by working together on a statewide export strategy.”
Senator Coons showed his support for the Delaware exporters and was on hand for the awards to congratulate the winners.
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