Germany trade mission is the right place to launch your export plan for Europe
Go Global: Delaware Trade Mission to Germany
Looking to get into the European market? Germany is the right place to start! Consider joining the trade mission to Germany with Global Delaware from December 7-11, 2015.
Why Germany?
The nation has by far the biggest purchasing power in Europe and the market is mature and competitive. With a population of 81.1 million, Germany’s consumer market is the largest in the European Union. With $50 billion exported to Germany in 2014, the nation is the United States’ largest trading partner in Europe and the sixth-largest export market for the U.S.
Nervous about having business meetings in a foreign country?
Don’t be! On this mission, you’ll have the support you need from Germany Trade Rep Dr. Linda von Delhaes-Guenther. Linda will arrange meetings with distributors, agents and customers – all tailored to your business needs. She will also host a prep session and an in-country briefing prior to the meetings. Transportation and interpreters will be provided throughout the trip.
All you need to do is show up and make your pitch!
Sounds great! But how much will it cost?
The services provided by the State of Delaware on the Germany mission are valued at $6,500 per company, but your cost will only be $500, plus travel expenses. AND a portion of your travel expenses may be eligible for a grant, thanks to the SBA award Delaware just received! It’s called the Market Access Grant – check out the application here.
Interested? Here are the next steps:
Go ahead and review this info sheet and consider filling out the application for the mission.
The application period closes on October 23. If you’re not convinced yet, reach out to our export advisors for more information: Beth Pomper and David Mathe at global@delaware.gov.
Categories: Expand
Related Topics: begin exporting to Europe, consumer market, Delaware trade rep to Germany, European markets, financial assistance for exporting, germany, grow business overseas, Linda von Delhaes-Guenther, purchasing power, trade mission, trade mission to Germany, trading partner, why export to Germany